Monday, October 13, 2008

Buying and Selling

So I was walking in town today (I wrote this in my journal at the start of September a few days after we had arrived) searching for some bedsheets. A trader outside Melcom (the main dept store in town) sees me browsing through his produce and the conversation went a little something like this:

Me (white beardy Irish guy) : 'I'm looking for some bedsheets'
Him (twenty-something black Ghanaian trader) : 'Welcome...yes yes, we have bedsheet, do you need curtains aswell?...maybe table cloths?'
Me: 'No thats ok, i just need some bedsheets, do you have double size?'
Him: 'Yes, yes, let me go and get some more for you...we have the best quality!'
Me: 'ok then...i just want some plain ones...' -he scuttles off into a small side alley and returns with armloads of bedsheets-
Him: 'ok ok ... here is the double size...with pillow case, you take it 25 cedis'
Me: -laughing and walking away- '25 cedis!!... no thank you I will buy them somewhere in the market for 12!'
Him: 'No no, ok ok ... but look, this is the best quality!...22 cedis!'
Me: 'But there are bedsheets on sale in Melcom...right there, for 14 cedis! I would like to buy from you...melcom only have blue sheets and I dont like blue...but I only have small money...15 cedis ' -its getting a bit heated now...hes not happy at the thought of my going to Melcoms and its pretty loud on the street side.-
Him: 'Melcom quality is very bad...and blue is a bad colour for sheet...look at this ... best quality!! and white...white is better!!! I give you for 18 cedis' -he's pretty much shouting at this stage-
Me: -also shouting now to be heard above the din of the traffic..and getting into the swing of bargaining- 'Yes defintely!...white is better! white is better...I like the white ones!...ok 17 cedis...last offer...otherwise I go to Melcom'
Him: 'ok ok ...17 cedis for the white want curtains now??'
Me: 'no i will come back another day for curtains...thank you for the sheets!'

1 comment:

Unknown said...

you wouldn't pay 80 cent for a set of sheets?